Business Processes

Business processes are created in Workflow and can automatically route entries, synchronize external databases, send e-mails, apply metadata, and much more. Business processes, like workflows, can be started based on conditions and/or schedules. However, unlike workflows, they can also be started manually from Laserfiche client applications. Additionally, business processes report information about their progress in Laserfiche client applications. Examples of such information include who completed parts of the process and what the next step in the business process is. Further business process reporting information is available in Workflow.

Business Processes in Workflow

Business processes are created, managed, and monitored in Workflow.

More information about business processes in Workflow:


Business processes and shortcuts

Security considerations

Audit Trail

Business process actions can be tracked using Audit Trail. For example, when a user starts a business process from the Laserfiche web or Windows client, that user, plus the actions performed, can be recorded and a report can be created on this information. In order for the business process actions to be recorded, the Entry and Metadata event classes must be enabled under the Audit tab of the group that is being audited. The actions specific to business processes that can be tracked are: Create Business Process, Modify Business Process, Start Business Process, Delete Business Process, Create Business Process Details, and Delete Business Process Details.


You can search for entries associated with a business process by searching for the business process's name, status, and start or completed date. You can also use advanced search syntax. However, you cannot search for entries associated with removed business processes.

Example: You can search for entries that were processed by the "Travel Request" business process in the last week and still have the status "Under review by HR."

Disabling Business Processes

You may want to disable a business process to update it or temporarily take it offline. A disabled business process will still appear in the client applications: In the Start Business Process dialog box, in the Start Business Process context menu if it was made a favorite, and on the toolbar if its toolbar button was added. However, the business process will be grayed out (cannot be started) for all users. Learn more about disabling business process rules in Workflow.

Removing Business Processes

When you remove a business process in Workflow,the business process will be completely deleted from the Workflow Designer and Workflow Administration Console.

In the client applications the business process will be removed from the Start Business Process dialog box--unless it was made a favorite. Favorite business processes will continue to appear in the Start Business Process dialog box and context menu, but will have "(Removed)" next to their name. If you clear the star from the business process and close the dialog, the business process will be completely removed. Toolbar buttons for removed business process will stay on the toolbar until you remove them, and you cannot add a toolbar button for a removed business processes.

The same security applies to the details of a removed business process as when the business process still existed.

Example: Bob can see the details for the Travel Request business process. When this business process is removed, he can still see the old details. Janet could not see the details for the Travel Request business process when it was live, and she still cannot see the details after it was removed.

Dissociating Business Process Instances

Dissociating a business process instance from an entry means that the business process details will no longer show up in the Business Process Pane or the Business Process Details dialog box for that entry. You can dissociate business process instances from entries associated with a business process by using the Manage Business Process Instances tool in the Workflow Administration Console.

Deleting Business Process Instances

Deleting a business process instance removes the business process instance from the Laserfiche Server so that no details from the instance will show up for any entries. If you delete a running business process instance, the workflow instance will continue running until it reaches a business process activity, at which point the workflow instance will terminate with an error. You can delete a business process instance from the Manage Business Process instances tool in the Workflow Administration Console.

Interacting with Business Processes in the Laserfiche web or Windows client